Busty Escorts
Populair among our visitors is the selection of busty & large breasts type of escort girls. Those who love sexy breasts can always enjoy the companionship of real & busty escort companions now in Amsterdam. Blonde, brunette, slim, tall & much more now available. You can book these by calling our agency on the number +31(0)6-86055496.
Our escort service is open 24 hours and has a diverse selection of escorts of choice. Peek below to see our overview of escorts with a minimum cup size of C and beyond up to E for really large melons. Girls like teasing, breast play and much more. The booking of 2 girls is allowed if you are looking for a party today. Contact us for more info.
Our selection of busty escorts now in Amsterdam are also available in other city's. On top of that we have new girls on weekly basis so it's best to check out our website regular. Delivery in hotels is possible as most hotels in Amsterdam have no moral issues with escort service in your hotelroom of choice. We are open 24 hours with 25 minute delivery.